The Classifieds module is an excellent way for the school to set up its own classified section. Through this module, the students can post advertisements, sell their old books, buy old books, stationary and sell other products online. Anything pertaining to the school can be put for buy or sale through this module.

This module is helpful for the students leaving the school as they can sell their beddings, furniture, uniforms, etc and students in need of low cost school products can take advantage of the best deal here, online.

Users can make use of easily configurable categories and other variables. The administrator can delete any advertisement posted by any user. The navigator bar provided allows the user to navigate through all categories and makes it easy-to-use.

This interface fulfills the commercial purpose of the school.

The Classified module has been immaculately designed and will serve its purpose, rendering complete satisfaction. We have provided attractive layouts for the various action pages. The product details or the name of the student or employee, contact details, etc can also be provided for processing the sell or purchase of the items. Users can make changes according to their choice. This module can be purchased as a stand alone module or can be integrated with other modules or the entire software.

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