Phone register module is very useful as it keeps track of all the incoming and outgoing calls made at the reception. This module is accurate and secured. All the information stored here is protected by a password. It keeps all the record systematically along with the name of the caller, date of call, purpose of the call, etc. Phone register can produce all the details of any call made from the reception, within seconds


Main features of this module are:

  • Maintaining the records of phone which is available at the reception.
  • Facility to keep the information about the student who use the phone at the reception as: Student name, class, sec, roll no, purpose of phone, phone no, date, time, etc.
  • Facility to keep the information about the employee who use the phone at the reception as: Employee name, department, designation, purpose of phone, phone no, date, time, etc.
  • Facility to keep the information about the contact person who use the phone at the reception as: Contact person name, department, category, purpose of phone, phone no, date, time, etc.

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